No Ban, No Wall and other reductionist chants

Returning from the Community Table, I hopped on my bike and rode down town to join Jean and my Mom at a rally at the Capitol protesting the new presidential administration's initiative to ban refugees from several countries and build/reinforce a border wall with Mexico. There were some thoughtful and pretty civil speeches. I especially like hearing from some refugees who came from countries on the proposed ban list.



MW said…
Glad to see the rally was well supported
Mom/sly said…
Yes, there was a good sized crowd. And we were pissed, but politely pissed! (for the most part)
Colin said…
I have seen some good protest signs -- "Your so vain I bet you think this sign is about you?". "If you are waiting for a sign - this is it" "I have so many issues that I can't fit them on this one sign"

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