T-Brick Shed: Installing Bond Beam and Pony walls

Sorry for the reporting delay. I started getting these on my computer:
The dreaded BSOD
And it's taken me a couple of weeks to get it sorted out. All is well now though.

We're on to the conventional building portion of our natural building project. Natural roofing options are few and tend to be difficult any time consuming.

Setting up the work station

Laying out the bond beam. The diagonal pieces are just there temporarily to keep everything square until I affix the bond beam.

Bond beam affixing equipment. The blue handled tool on the left tensions the straps and the tool on the right clamps the ends together

Put the clamp down on a strap.

Happy to be back in his carpentry wheel house my Dad assembled the pony walls while I strapped the bond beam down.

The assembled back pony wall

Testing the lintel strength.

Attaching the pony wall

It was difficult to get the straps really taught so I wet down the top of the wall and wedged these scrap boards underneath the straps. Later on I'll cover them over with cob.

Pony walls up


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