Quotes at the Aquarium

1) "...it's all psychological. You yell barracuda, everybody says, "Huh? What?" You yell shark, we've got a panic on our hands on the Fourth of July."

2) It swam crossways in the direction of the Nautilus with great speed, watching us with its enormous staring green eyes. Its eight arms, or rather feet, fixed to its head, that have given the name of cephalopod to these animals, were twice as long as its body, and were twisted like the furies' hair.

3) "Release the kraken!"

4) Beneath this glassy surface, a world of gliding monsters!

5) "My God, it's full of stars!"


M and D said…
Is this the xmas quiz? Colin has identified several immediately. We will email the answers when we have a bit more time to look at it.
sly said…
We defer to Colin and May! Next category, Alex Trebek!
M and C said…
C identified 3 out of 5 correclty ( although he was thinking of films not books!).

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