Train to Shanghai

13 January 2011

Perhaps, if I had paused in my run to the station to haggle for some oranges I could have cut it a tad closer. I started out this morning in Fenghuang. Overall, I found the historic town sadly over developed. At least the domestic tourist was the prime target so the touts usually ignored me.

I rolled into the bus station a little before ten this morning. My train to Shanghai was to depart from Huaihua, a nearby rail hub city, at 2:20pm. The guidebook mentioned that buses left every half hour. The one I was on didn't rumble to a start until after eleven. Then, with road construction and stops to buy produce, the two hour trip stretched into three dropping me a kilometer from the train station with 15 minutes to go. I know few Chinese words but "train" and "station" are two of them.

"Huoche zhan?" I asked the driver as I was deboarding. He gestured straight and then left. I yanked my pack from the innards of the bus and took off at a sprint. Making it to a crosswalk, I waited impatiently for the light to change.

Not entirely sure this was the correct turn I asked a fruit seller on the other side, "Huoche zhan?" He confirmed the bus driver's directions. I thanked him and charged up a rising street noting several people with suitcases and backpacks going the same way. A good sign.

The street opened into a sprawling mall in front of tall, imposing building. I made a dash for the building and joined the queue to enter. Fortunately, security is pretty speedy and I was soon inside. Almost immediately a railroad employee approached and gestured to see my ticket. She then spoke into her radio and pointed me towards the stairs. At the top of the stairs I was met by another employee who ushered me to the appropriate platform.

I quickly found my car, stepped aboard and found my berth. Plopping down, I sighed with relief. About five minutes later the train lurched to a start and we were underway. Twenty-four hours to Shanghai.

Here's some video from the train.


sly said…
It sounds like the Chinese were really helpful...and nobody had his hand out for payment??
Unknown said…
So glad you were there 5 minutes before it left rather than 5 minutes after it left!! You did well to know how to get directions for the train in Chinese! Have you learned much 'Australian' yet?

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