The craziest things we've seen on a motorbike
31st December 2010
Travelling around Asia Aaron and I have seen some of the most bizarre things being transported on scooters/small motorbikes - the most popular form of transport in South-East Asia. While in Hanoi we were inspired by a comment on my friend’s facebook page to compile a list of the top ten most unusual things we've seen on a motorbike;
- A whole family; 2 adults and 2 or 3 children or 3 adults (Seen all over South-East Asia!)
- Electric appliances; Microwave oven, widescreen TV (Hanoi, Vietnam)
- Household items; Door frame (Champassak, Laos), toilet (Hanoi, Vietnam)
- Lady driving with one hand and carrying a baby in her other arm (Laos)
- Animals; Chickens, Pigs
- A lady sat behind her husband balanced on top of a huge bag of rice
- 5 steel barrels of beer (Hanoi, Vietnam)
- Someone asleep - slumped over the shoulder of the man in front, head lolling (Hanoi, Vietnam)
- Fragile items such as china or a huge sheet of glass (about 6ft x 6ft) strapped to the side (Hanoi, Vietnam)
- And finally my favourite; Have you ever done your homework in the bus/car on the way to school?...Well, I was still surprised to see a boy doing his homework sat behind his dad and 2 other children on a scooter! (Kolkata, India)
Dealing with road traffic in Asia has sometimes been a scary experience to say the least. There don't appear to be many rules and sometimes I wonder if there is even a side of the road to drive on. In Vietnam most motorbikes seem to head for a gap that is almost big enough to squeeze through then beep their horn till someone makes enough space! Having said that the beeping is usually done in a friendly rather than aggressive way.