Train to Shanghai
13 January 2011 Perhaps, if I had paused in my run to the station to haggle for some oranges I could have cut it a tad closer. I started out this morning in Fenghuang. Overall, I found the historic town sadly over developed. At least the domestic tourist was the prime target so the touts usually ignored me. I rolled into the bus station a little before ten this morning. My train to Shanghai was to depart from Huaihua, a nearby rail hub city, at 2:20pm. The guidebook mentioned that buses left every half hour. The one I was on didn't rumble to a start until after eleven. Then, with road construction and stops to buy produce, the two hour trip stretched into three dropping me a kilometer from the train station with 15 minutes to go. I know few Chinese words but "train" and "station" are two of them. "Huoche zhan?" I asked the driver as I was deboarding. He gestured straight and then left. I yanked my pack from the innards of the bus and took off at ...