Quail Tractor Beta

In the quail husbandry R&D department I've devised the Quail Tractor beta model building on and revising the quail tractor alpha design I built in the spring . The Quail Tractor Alpha Design The Quail Tractor Beta Design Design differences include: A larger footprint. The alpha was only 2'x2'. This seemed a bit small for any more than four birds. I'm making a beta that's 2'x3' and another one that is 2'x4'. Relocating the feed and water systems to the front to better balance the load. With the plywood roof and additional framing elements the back of the tractor is heavier than the front. The beta attempts to better balance the load. Water system revisions including using a larger water reservoir (5 gallon bucket) and using water cups instead of nipples to better conserve water. Partially open bottom. The alpha had a full hardware cloth bottom. The beta only has hardware cloth around the edges with the center open. This will a...