T-Brick Shed: 16th Course Down, Two to Go!
Over the past month central Texas has been experiencing some extreme rain events which causes problems for us on several fronts: 1) The yard where we get our dirt from closes down in wet weather (sometimes for days) because their equipment gets stuck. 2) With a wetter mix of the forms have to stay on longer, so we can't move as fast. 3) Uncovered adobe structures are extremely susceptible to erosion. As the old proverb goes, "People in mud houses shouldn't use fire hoses." During a run of a few rain-less days my parents had four yards of dirt delivered. This is about three times as much as we could get with our trailer so hopefully it will see us through until we can get the walls to full height. Over the past couple of weeks working around and sometimes in the weather we knocked out the 16th course. Only two more to go! Save the mud, drink more beer. We had lot of brown beer bottles left over from saving the bottle window so I started burying the...