Apartment Homesteading: Growing Sprouts in a Milk/Juice Carton
Materials: Empty Carton, Funnel, Scissors, dry beans No shed updates this week. Jean's parents will be visiting us soon. They'll be here for a few weeks so I wanted to leave enough for them to do to keep them out of trouble while Jean and I are at work. Instead of a shed update, here's the first article of I what I hope will be a fairly regular series I'm calling apartment homesteading. Subjects may include horticulture, food preservation, alcohol fermentation, animal husbandry, materials re-purposing, function stacking and whatever else we can come up with. All these activities will be extremely small scale, typically low overhead and low maintenance. A sprout is a germinated seed that has grown for 3-10 days. You might also call it a seedling. Sprouts are tasty and healthy additions to salads, sandwiches and all kinds of cooked dishes. Some common sprouts are mung bean and alfalfa. If you do a google search for " health benefits of sprouts ," there...