Christmas concert
24th December 2010 Yesterday afternoon Aaron and I skipped down the road away from the classrooms, hand-in-hand with some of the children, whooping that class was cancelled for Christmas! Lots of Vietnamese high school and university students were milling around the playground. They were preparing some sort of event, but we had any idea what. Along with us and the kids, two Danish volunteers and a German volunteer where hanging around watching and wondering what was going to happen. I will admit that I started out sceptical, since no-one seemed to know what was going on and the teenagers seemed to be paying more attention to the decorations than the children. However it turned out to be an evening event and I was soon proved that the organisers had some great ideas. After dinner the dancing began. I was shocked to see that they were line dancing! I rushed to join in – what fun! We then broke out into free-style and I had a great time kicking up my heals with the children! (Thoug...